Enjoy feeding and watching birds? From seed to binoculars, feeders to gifts, Freeport Wild Bird Supply is Maine's source for all of your birding and bird-feeding needs.
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Freeport Wild Bird Supply carries a full line of premium birdseed to suit all of your bird feeding needs. We have a full line of bird feeders in all shapes and sizes, along with a wide range of birdhouses and nesting supplies. An extensive selection of squirrel-proof feeders and effective squirrel baffle options (yes, it can be done!) are available. From cardinals to hummingbirds, we have what they want! Looking for the perfect gift? Find it here! A broad range of gifts for all ages and every occasion are offered with an emphasis on locally made, Made in the USA, and Fair Trade.
One of the largest selections of natural history books in the state includes field guides for all creatures and books for all ages. A full range of top-quality binoculars and spotting scopes are in stock for you to experiment with. You simply cannot buy a pair of binoculars without looking through them first. Do it here, with a number of bird subjects conveniently located just outside our window! Learn more on our Optics page. And, don't forget to pick up your cup of bird conservation with a bag of Birds & Beans certified bird-friendly coffee.
Freeport Wild Bird Supply is locally owned and operated by Jeannette and Derek Lovitch who have developed careers working with birds as biologists and naturalists. We bring our knowledge and passion for birds to Freeport to share with everyone.
Since 2004, Freeport Wild Bird Supply has been more than just a location to buy birdseed, but also a destination for all bird enthusiasts. Take a seat in front of our window, and watch some birds! A fully stocked feeding station is situated just outside our window, nestled in a diverse native plant garden, planned with birds and ecology in mind. You never know what might visit our garden; from many of our resident birds to the occasional vagrant such as Lark and Clay-colored Sparrows and Dickcissels, all of which have been seen here. Our butterfly and hummingbird garden features a selection of flowers that attract these beautiful creatures. Come see what's blooming, and what’s feeding on those blooms!